Homoeopathy enhances the process of growth and Development

The term Growth implies a net increase in the size or mass of tissue and occurs due to multiplication of cells and an increase in the intracellular substance.

Development is defined as maturation of functions. It depends on maturation and myelination of the nervous system and denotes acquisition of a variety of competencies for optimal functioning of the individual


Normal Developmental Range:



Growth and Development:


Growth and Development (0-5 Yrs)

All development takes place according to certain principles some of which Are as follows:

1. All growth and development follow an orderly sequence. A child can sit only when the muscles of the back are ready to support the body.

2. Each child normally passes through a number of stages, each with its own essential characteristics.

3. There are individual differences in development. Every child grows at his own pace. You know that children start walking by the time they are one year old but you may have also noticed that some are early and others are late.

4. Though the human being develops as a unified whole, each part of the body develops at different rates. Basically there are two sequences in the rate of development.

(a) Cephalocaudal i.e. development proceeds from head to toe. The head

and brain develops first, then the torso, the neck etc.

(b) Proximodistal i.e. development proceeds from centre to extremeties.

The child first gains control over the spine, then arms, then fingers.

5. Development is essentially the result of the interaction between maturation and learning. While maturation is the ‘unfolding of characteristics potentially present in the individual’s genetic endowment’, learning refers to the “relatively” enduring changes that come about as a result of experience and practise.


(i) Heredity – It is the process by which the features and characteristics

are passed from parents to the child before the child is born. Thus features like the colour of the skin and eyes, the height, body build, intellect and talents, etc., are all fixed and no one can change them beyond a limit.

(ii) Prenatal environment – This is the environment of the foetus in the womb. If the mother gets poor nutrition, is emotionally upset or smokes, drinks, or takes some medicine or suffers from certain diseases, the growth of the child can be adversely affected.

(iii) Nutrition – Proper nutrition is essential for the healthy development of the child. A malnourished child’s growth may be retarded or slow.

(iv)  Intelligence – Higher intelligence is associated with faster development while lower intelligence is associated with retardation in various aspects of development.

(v) Emotional climate of home – If there is a lot of discord/fights at home or the child is not given enough love and attention or there is physical/ mental abuse of the child, then the child’s development is adversely affected.

(vi) Health of the child – If the child frequently falls sick, suffers from some disorder, is disabled or has disturbed endocrine functioning, the development is likely to suffer.

(vii) Level of stimulation – The amount of stimulation the environment provides to the child i.e., the opportunities for exploration of environment, opportunities of interaction with other people, etc., all influence the rate of development.

(viii) Socio-economic status – It also influences the development by deciding the kind of nutrition, stimulation, facilities, opportunities, genetic endowment the child gets.

(ix) Sex – All children follow the same sequence of development. However, certain skills are faster in girls than in boys and some other skills are faster in boys than girls. For example, language acquisition is faster in girls and skills like jumping catching, throwing are faster in boys. Sex is also a factor that decides the potential of a child in physical

development – boys grow up to be taller, heavier and more muscular

than girls.


  • Homoeopathy enhances the process of growth and Development
  • Homoeopathy helps children to achieve the optimal level of growth appropriate for their age
  • Homoeopathy effectively handles the factors that block the process of growth and development like malnutrition, Chronic disease like tuberculosis, endocrine disorders etc
  • Homoeopathy not only focus to increase the weight or height, but acts holistically and takes care of all the underlying factors, and leads the child further towards health and cure.
  • Homoeopathy constitutional medicine acts deep and  enhances the absorption of nutrition the child already has been taking


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